
Parliament Meating 3rd day

11:04 PM

The university homes the Northman Ship repository and a library with three.6 million holdings, and is additionally home to eight National Centres of Excellence, in addition as Centres for analysis-based Innovation and Environment-friendly Energy Research.

Oslo will pursue these varied analysis comes with its substantial government funding that helps turn out its NOK652.8 million endowment.

But Christiania is over simply a Norwegian gem. It additionally offers over 800 courses in English, has received seven individual grants from world organization analysis comes, and has contributed to 5 laurels winners.

The school is especially noteworthy for its robust association to peace studies. Between 1947 and 1989, it hosted the ceremony for the altruist Peace Prize and consequently is that the solely university to own hosted a laurels Ceremony.

Johan Galtung, the founding father of the tutorial field of peace and conflict studies, supported the world’s initial chair therein discipline here at Oslo; the famed human, humanitarian, and altruist Peace winner statesman educated here in addition.

The University of Christiania additionally awards the celebrated Abel Prize in arithmetic

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